Fish Masala Recipe and Shorshe Mach Recipe

Where the dish is from

Fish masala curry recipe originated from India. The dish is a mix of spices, and its fragrance is due to cumin, ginger, garam and chili that add extra flavor to the sustainably caught fish.

Where it is popular

A variety of restaurants specifically in China, Malaysia and India serve types of fish dishes. Today, fish masala curry has found popularity in Singapore more than any other place due to the tourists.

Is it a vegetarian or non-vegetarian dish?

Fish curry masala is a non-vegetarian type of dish. Some of the people expect their meals to be a meaty affair, and this is the right dish to enjoy. The unique sub-continent has several individual preparations of these meals, and a vegan may have an appetite to eat such a unique cuisine.

Is it a family recipe?

Family recipes hold a special place in many households. The original method of the fish masala recipe gets modified over the years, but for a family, they may have their unique guide of this dish. Many different ways exist to prepare the meal and finding one that best produces the best taste may make you decide on the right recipe to hold onto to and pass to your generation.

Prep Time : 35 m

Cook Time : 25 m

Total Time : 60 m

Cuisine : Indian

Servings : 1


  1. Mixer or Grinder

  2. Induction Cook top or Stove


1 tablespoon salt
2 piece tomato
1 piece onion
1 piece ginger
1 piece garlic
3 piece green chilly
2 piece fish
5 tbsp oil
1 tbsp turmeric ( 1 tablespoon (tbsp) is approx 3 teaspoon (tsp) )
1 tbsp garam masala
1/4 tbsp red chilies powder
1/4 tbsp coriander powder


  1. Take 2 pieces of fish and rinse it thoroughly

  2. Marinate the fish with 1/4 tbsp turmeric, 1/4 tbsp red chilies powder, and 1/4 tbsp salt. Keep it for 30 minutes

  3. Fry the fish in oil for about 5 minutes in low heat and keep it separate bowl

  4. Cut 2 onion, 1 ginger, 1 garlic, 3 green chilies, 2 tomato into small pieces. Grind it in a mixer. Keep the paste in a separate container. ( Paste Preparation Stage )

  5. Heat a pan with 5 tbsp of oil

  6. Add the paste from the container to the pan .

  7. Add 1/4 tbsp turmeric powder, 1/4 tbsp garam masala, 1/4 tbsp coriander powder over the paste ( Masala Addition Stage )

  8. Saute for around 3-4 minutes till masala begins to smell good.

  9. Adjust the salt

  10. Now, add the fried fish placed in a bowl to the pan

  11. Add 2 glass of water

  12. Put it in curry mode for about 15 minutes

  13. Serve the tomato fish masala curry with rice

This is the recipe of tomato fish curry prepared in a simple style. Great recipe for fish lovers.
Masala can also be adjusted accordingly. You can lower the masala content if you want to have a less spicy gravy.

What is its nutritious value?

Fish masala curry gets loaded with several nutrients, including proteins and Vitamin D.  Combination of the several ingredients in the dish boosts prevention against the risk of getting a heart attack or stroke.


Simple, flavorful and delicious fish masala curry gets based on onions and tomatoes. Blend the pastes if you prefer something with smooth textures and add water. Garam masala should get used according to the choice of a grave and avoid high calories though, by eating seafood which is a less calorie food.

Shorshe Mach Recipe

One of the most popular activities throughout ages is eating fantastic food. We cannot underestimate the sensation of this activity. When you eat tasty food, you will become so calm, happy, relieved, and energized. Food is not only about prolonging one’s life but also bringing back the good mood.

If people were happy always, the world we live in would be a better place. Every country has got its recipes. However, if you are looking for exotic food, go to India or at least find Indian food recipes. If you want to experience the process of cooking the best Indian food, make sure you do it yourself with perfect preparation.

Before that, find all ingredient from the best places around your country. The food is fish-based, therefore, you need to choose the best fish according to your taste. Not only the fish but the ingredient is very important as well. Excellent preparation dictates the result of your cooking.

Ingredient list

  1. Fish

You can choose any fish that you like. The most important thing is that it is fresh and tastes good. Prepare 500 gram of fish meat. If you want to use incredible fish, then buy it from Japan or Indonesia.

  1. A pinch of salt

Use a proper amount of salt according to your taste.

  1. Red chili powder

You will need a teaspoon of this powder.

  1. Turmeric powder

You will need one and a half teaspoons of this powder. Use only one and a half of teaspoons.

  1. Green chilies

You will need at least 4 chilies. The green chili will balance the taste of the red chili.

  1. Mustard seed

3 tablespoons of this ingredient will be just fine.

  1. Fresh tomatoes

Pick the fresh ones. You will need at least two of them.

  1. Mustard oil

This o

il is very important in this recipe. You will need 4 tablespoons of this oil. This oil will give one-of-a-kind taste of Asian food. Use it just a little.

Method of Preparation

Remember to do it step by step. No need to hurry. Everything will be alright. It is very easy. Clean all cooking utensils before you are to cook.

  • Rub turmeric powder and salt onto the fish. Remember to wash the fish first thoroughly. Leave it for about 15 minutes.

  • The mustard seed must be ground so that you will have its paste.

  • Take a pinch of salt and mix it with mustard paste. Let it rest for about 10 minutes.

  • Grind all tomatoes.

  • Heat the mustard oil on a hot frying pan. Take the oil for about two tablespoons.

  • Then, fry the fish until it gets brown a bit.

  • Drain the fried fish from remaining oil.

  • Fry the tomato paste with the same oil that you use to fry the fish previously.

  • Pour the salt and turmeric powder on it.

  • Add the red chili powder on it too.

  • Pour 3 cups of water to the mustard paste and cook them for about 15 minutes. After that, strain them until you get the mustard layer.

  • Heat the mixture and pour the mustard liquid onto the gravy.

  • Cook longer for about 10 minutes. Use medium heat.

  • You can determine how thick the gravy will be.

  • Add raw mustard oil for about 2 tablespoons onto the gravy and cook again for about 2 minutes more.

  • Turn off the stove, kill the flame because your food is ready to serve.

  • Serve it on clean plates.

  • Make sure you clean the stove and all cooking utensils thoroughly.

Approximate cooking time

Cooking the all ingredient will take at least 20 minutes. You can use a small amount of fire. A gas stove will give you great heat. Another possibility is that you use an electric stove for more heat stability.

Number of people served

You can eat this food with 5 people. Eat it with a plate of warm rice.


If you get bored enough to eat common food from your country, trying Indian food like Shorshe Mach sounds perfect. India is very well-known in exotic food. Culinary lovers know that there is a lot of delicious food that exist there.





How to cook basmati rice



An Indian style savory rice dish that is flavored by use of fried onions and whole spices. Before cooking the soaking of Basmati rice make the difference. It can be served with Indian curry or lentils(dal).

Basmati is a fragrant, long grain rice grown in the India and Pakistan. “Bas” in Hindi language signifies “aroma” and “mati” signifies “loaded with,” henceforth the word basmati or “brimming with fragrance”.

Basmati rice is a variety of rice that has ling grains. This rice has pointed ends.  It has nuttier flower as compared to traditional rice that are white rice.It is a healthy and delicious food.

Where the dish is from?

Basmati was introduced in central Asia and Middle East by Arab and traders of Indian Muslims.

Where the dish is popular?

It is served traditionally with foods of India.According to an estimate of 2018-2019, 65% of basmati rice are exported from India all over the world. Geographically basmati rice is exclusive to certain districts in India and Pakistan. Its place of origin is Indian subcontinent and popular country that use this recipe is India.

Type of dish

Basmati rice is a vegetarian, vegan, dairy-free and gluten-free diet.

Family dish

Basmati rice is a family dish.

Nutrients Contents:

Brown basmati rice has slightly higher calories, fiber, and carbohydrates.It also contains more phosphorus, zinc, potassium, magnesium and vitamin E.

Benefits of Basmati Rice:

Basmati rice is a whole grain form of rice. Therefore, it is fit for any healthy plan of eating. Basmati rice has lower calories than long-grain rice. It helps to reduce belly fat and maintain healthy weight because its glycemic index is low.It contains all essential amino acids and folic acid. It has very low amount of sodium and almost no cholesterol. Basmati rice is found in both varieties i.e.; white and brown variety. It has crazy flavor and pleasing aroma.


Basmati rice are cooked in the similar way as that of other rice, it is in ratio of one cup rice in two cups water.To get fluffy basmati rice, take cold water and rinse 2 to 3 times before cooking to remove the outside starch. The flavor and fragrance of basmati rice is concentrated, if it is aged after harvesting which decrease its moisture content.


1 Cup Basmati Rice

2 Cups water

1/2 Teaspoon Oil OR 1/2 Teaspoon Butter

Pinch of salt.

Preparation Method

Rinse the rice with water

Keep the rice in water for 30 minutes

Drain the water to separate the rice

Add 2 cups of water

Add 1/2 tablespoon oil. Butter can also be added.

Add a pinch of salt.

Cook it in pressure cooker mode.

Serve hot.


There are ways in which basmati rice can be prepared.  A flavored Indian dish of  basmati rice is Jeera Rice.  It is made by using basmati rice that are cooked with ghee, fragrant spices and cumin. Only handful of ingredients is needed to make jeera rice. It can be eaten with Raita, dal or curry of any type.

Where the dish is from?

This dish is originated from Indian Subcontinent. Mughals were very fond of this dish.

Where the dish is popular?

This dish is popular in North India. Jeera is a Hindi word. Jeera rice is a healthy food and is liked by people of India and Pakistan (Indian subcontinent).

Type of dish

Jeera rice is a vegetarian dish.

Family dish

Jeera rice is a family dish. It is taken as an everyday rice dish and is easy to prepare.

Benefits of rice

Rice is a good source of complex carbohydrates. It is an important energy source for our body. There is less amount of fibre in rice therefore patients of diarrhoea can take it. Rice serve as an important source of vitamin B which include thiamine, riboflavin and niacin and Iron. Rice is an excellent source of magnesium and manganese. More vitamins are present in brown rice than white rice.

Benefits of cumin

Cumincontains antioxidants. Some naturally occurring substances present in cumin seeds act as antioxidants. It has anticancer effects and helps in the treatment of diarrhoea. It helps to control blood sugar. It fights against parasites and bacteria. It has anti-inflammatory effects.It helps to lower cholesterol and also help in weight loss.Cumin is used in preparing a decoction which is used to treat flatulence in medicines. It is also used in traditional medicines to treat the symptoms of cold.


Before cooking rinse the rice till the running water becomes clear. Do not soak basmati rice as it can break the grains during cooking. Use one and half cups of water for one cup of rice. To get more softer rice, then two cups of water can be used. Serve this dish with any curry.

Prep Time : 30 m

Cook Time : 15 m

Total Time : 45 m

Cuisine : Indian



1 Cup Basmati Rice
1 tbsp Ghee
1/2 tbsp Jeera
2 Cups Water


  1. Soak the basmati rice for 30 minutes in a bowl.
  2. Drain the water and separate the rice
  3. Place the rice in a pressure cooker
  4. Add 2 cups of water
  5. Pressure cook for 10 minutes
  6. Put the cooked rice in a plate
  7. Heat ghee in a pan.
  8. Add Jeera or Cumin seeds to the pan
  9. Now add the cooked rice to the pan
  10. Adjust the salt, add 1/2 cup water, and cook for 3-4 minutes
  11. Garnish it with coriander leaves
  12. Serve the cooked jeera rice with dal or curry.

Hot Coffee Recipe and Masala Chai Recipe

Hot Coffee Recipe


The hot coffee recipe contains a creamy instant coffee powder. Make yourself an exquisite frothy beverage like the one made in cafes and baristas. All the ingredients you need are instant coffee, a cup of milk, sugar, and  hot water.

Where the dish is from

Coffee originates from the Ethiopian highlands and also has a Yemenite history. In the 14th century, the countries gained fame though the beverage when a goat header found the small shrub. In Yemen, the myths differ, a traveler gets claimed to have passed through Ethiopia and carried the plant to the country where he decided to use the berries.

Where it is popular

Coffee was first famous in Ethiopia where it originated, but to date, nearly 25 million farmers in the world depend on coffee as their produce. Many people have come to love the use of coffee and prefer it more than tea or other beverages.

Is it a vegetarian or non-vegetarian dish?

White, black coffee is vegan, and you may prefer it creamy, decadent caramel, or a cup of mocha-coffee with a whip. Drink a hundred percent vegan beverage that satisfies your sweetness and those who are sweet-toothed.

Is it a family recipe?

Hot coffee has irresistible ranging flavors, and it can’t get considered to have a specific family recipe. People have different ways that they make their coffee according to preference. You can add other ingredients through the various skills available.


2 Tablespoon Coffee Powder
5 Tablespoon Water
1 Cup Milk
2 Tablespoon Sugar

Preparation Method

Mix 2 tablespoon coffee powder, 2 tablespoon sugar, and 5 tablespoon boiling water in a cup.

Stir the mixture for 3-4 minutes.

Keep stirring until you can see a frothy layer on top.

Now, boil the milk in a saucepan.

Stir the milk until you can see a foamy layer on top.

Pour the foamy milk from the saucepan in the coffee mixture.

Serve hot.

Serves 2

What is its nutritious value?

Coffee offers several bodies to the human body. Apart from providing an energy boost, it has Phenolic compounds like niacin and riboflavin that are useful nutrients.  Experts suggest they can benefit a person in various ways, such as lowering the risk of type-2 diabetes, liver cancer, and heart failure.

Regular black coffee contains low calories or around two. The addition of cream and sugar increases them; hence you should avoid as much as possible. The antioxidants in caffeine help the body get rid of free toxic radicles, a type of waste produced by the natural body due to specific processes.


Avoid commercial coffee because researchers found that the mycotoxins are high in the beverage, and they get considered to be a harmful substance that contaminates the natural coffee product.


Masala Chai Recipe


Masala chai is a whole spiced tea with milk.  The name chai gets used in different countries to refer to the beverage. Ingredients used in making the tea include tea,  water, cardamoms, cinnamon sticks, cloves, sugar, and milk.

Where the dish is from

Masala chai is an Indian spiced tea with the inclusion of many herbs. Tea plantation in India began in the early 19th century, and the drink has become one of India’s integral parts.  Many people consider it like religion and consider it rude if a visitor does not ask for chai. The spiced, sweetened black tea with milk added is now favorite and famous around the world.

Where it is popular

Millions of Indians enjoy the masala chai. An authentic warm cup of the tea, prepared with ginger and aromatic spices, brightens every household in India.  Despite being a favorite in India, it has become increasinglypopular in many houses around the world.

Is it a vegetarian or non-vegetarian dish?

Vegans may take their masala chai with plant-based milk or drink milk-free. The many herbs put in the tea make it to get considered in the vegetarian category. The fabulous flavorful chai is the last of the options a non-vegan person may dismiss.

Is it a family recipe?

Different families have their recipe for masala tea because everyone prefers different ingredients to prepare the tea. Some eliminate various additions while others add more spices to make the tea tasty according to their preference. The traditional ingredients mentioned are from the main recipe since the make of masala chai.



3-4 cardamons or elaichi

3-4 cloves

1/2-3/4 inch long cinnamon or dalchini piece

1 tea spoon tea

1-2 tablespoon sugar

1/2 cup milk

2 cup waters


Crush the cardamon, cloves, cinnamon in a hand pestle.

Now add the mixture to boiling water along with crushed ginger and tea.

Boil for about 3 minutes until flavors are infused.

Now add milk over the mixture.

Simmer for about 3 minutes.

Filter to serving cups.

Serve the masala chai hot.

Serves 2

What is its nutritious value?

Tea on its own has an acidic nature, and with the addition of ginger with other spices, the kind of acids gets nullified. The spices add more benefits to the chai because of the many anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant benefits. When you take tea, it reduces fatigue and brightens you. Tannins and small amounts of caffeine in the drink help your body to calm down and revitalize.


A perfect cup of masala chai doesn’t need all the ingredients mentioned earlier. Add different blends to make it taste better, such as vanilla, chocolate, or peppercorns. Select a flavor that suits your need and incorporate it into the ingredient. Unsweetened cocoa powder may get added to get an even desert-style chai.

Cucumber Raita Recipe

Ingredients For Raita 


1 Cup Fresh Curd

1 Cup chopped cucumber 

2-3 green chillies

¼ Cup Coriander leaver 

1 grated garlic

¼ grated ginger

¼ roasted cumin/jeera roasted 

Pinch of pepper

Salt as needed


Making the raita


Wash cucumber  in lot of water

Add the the  washed cucumber  to cumin ,garlic,clove,ginger and blend them in a jar

Add the blended ingredients to the curd.

Garnish it with pepper and cumin powder

Stir well.


Mint Raita Recipe

Ingredients For Raita 


1 Cup Fresh Curd

1 Cup Fresh Pudina Leaves / Mint Leaves

2-3 green chillies

¼ Cup Coriander leaves

2 tablespoon chopped onion 

1 grated garlic

1 clove 

¼ grated ginger

¼ roasted cumin/jeera roasted

¼ teaspoon sugar

Salt as needed


Making the raita


Wash mint and coriander in lot of water

Add the the  washed mint and coriander to cumin, onion,garlic,clove,ginger and blend them in a jar

Add the blended ingredients to the curd.

Stir well.