Juice Recipes


Watermelon Juice


Watermelon is an edible fruit that contain 92% of water and 6% sugar that makes it very sweet. It is vine-like plant that gives flowers. It was originally grown in West Africa. It is a fruit that is highly cultivated all over the world. It has about 1000 varieties.

Where the dish is from?

It is originated from Japan.

Where the dish is popular?

The dish is popular in New Zealand and Colombia. They are the largest use consumers in the world.

Types of dish

Watermelon juice is a vegetarian diet.

Nutritional Contents:

Watermelon is a good source of vitamins A and C, biotin and other nutrients. It contains a modest amount of potassium. Vitamin C plays an important role in the growth and repairing or tissues.


Benefits of Watermelon

Watermelon is a best thirst quencher. A best and instant remedy for heat or sunstroke is watermelon during summer. It is a fat free summer snack. 

It helps in protection of our body from free radicals that are harmful for the healthy system. It is a good source of potassium that aids cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and colon cancer. It helps to clean the toxins of the body, reduce inflammation and help to lose weight.


2 Pieces of Watermelon
1 Lime
Fresh Mint Leaves
1 Spoon Sugar
Pinch Of Salt
Ice Cubes


Add the ingredients and switch on the grinder. Grind for 1-2 minutes. serve chilled

Ready In 5 minutes   Serves 1

Delicious Orange Juice Recipe


1 Orange

1 Glass Cold Water

2 Tablespoon sugar

Pinch of salt

Cookware Mixer or Grinder


Add the ingredients into the grinder and let it grind for

1-2  minutes.

serve chilled

Ready In 5 minutes   Serves 1

Mosambi Juice


In Hindi, sweet limes are called as mosambi. Mosambi juice is very tasty juice made from sweet lime. They have somewhat bland taste. In flavor, these fruits not feel acidic and are not sour. Mosambi juice is common drinks in India.

These are sold by many streets’ vendors. Cumin powder, Black salt and Chaat masala are added to these juices. Mosambi juice is a good heat reliever in hot day. Its taste change to bitter if it is allowed to stand for some time.

Where the dish is from?

Mosambi has many points of origin that goes straight from Indonesia to China.According to a report published in 2004in the Agricultural Review, the hills of Meghalaya and Nagaland are the origin points of mosambi.

Where the dish is popular?

The mosambi juice is the most popular in the Indian Subcontinent.

Type of dish

Mosambi juice is a vegetarian diet.

Nutritional Contents

Mosambi is an ideal choice for those people who want to get a diet with low fat or low calorie.

Benefits of mosambi

Mosambi is a rich source of vitamin C. it is a good immunity booster. Flavonoids limonin glucoside is present in mosambi that has strong antioxidant, anti-cancer, anti-bacterial and detoxifying properties. It helps to treat dehydration and improve eyes site.

It lessens gout and disorders of urinary system. It is a natural astringent. It helps in combating infection, treats wounds and ulcer, fights formations of cancer cell and helps to improve circulation of blood.

It also helps to prevent scurvy.It also helps in reducing Muscle Cramps. This juice is recommended for athletes. After rigorous working it hydrates the body.

Mosambi acts as a booster of health of skin and hair. It is used in skin care products for glowing skin. It is improve skin tone, dark spots, acne marks and reduce blemishes. It improves the liver functioning and digestion. It also cures peptic ulcer.

For making the mosambi juice for some events such as Vrat or religious Fast, then you can add SendhaNamak or Rock salt.

Prep Time : 5 m

Cook Time : 5 m

Total Time : 10 m

Cuisine : Indian



1 Mosambi
1 tbsp Sugar
1 tsp Black Salt
1 glass Water
10 Ice cubes


  1. Cut the Mosambi into four pieces. Each piece looks like this.
  2. Use a Squeezer or use your hand to extract the Juice.
  3. Add 1 tbsp Sugar to the Juice
  4. Now, add 1 glass Water
  5. Add a pinch of Black Salt
  6. Stir the mixture for a few minutes.
  7. Serve with Icecubes

Mint Lemonade Recipe


The mint lemonade is an epitome of a drink. A fresh mint flavor gets offered with a light balanced blend of sweetness and tartness.

Where the dish is from

Lemonade origin is not precisely known, but it may have originated from the Middle Eastern nations where many refreshing summer drinks get found. The invention of glasses has mostly found fame in Syria, but some may emerge from Turkish creativity.

Where it is popular

The mint lemonade gets considered to be a popular drink from the Middle East that is locally known as ‘limona nana.’ When made traditionally, it tastes slightly different from the regular standardized versions. The recipe is different from the modern method.

The drink is known for its unique blend of mint and taste of lemonade. The dominant flavor in the quaff is the mint and differs from regular lemonade that contains only fresh lemon juice, sugar, and water.

Is it a vegetarian or non-vegetarian dish?

The summer refreshment mint lemonade is a vegetarian drink. The drink might require boiling according to the recipe and preparation method. When boiled, ensure the drink mixer cools first before it gets served.

Is it a family recipe?

The mint lemonade recipe is not known to be a family recipe. Preserved recipes in different families get passed down from generations. The special dish gets eaten for years, and you might pass the same to the future family generation.

2 Lime

1 Glass water

Fresh Mint Leaves

2 Spoon Sugar
Pinch Of Salt
Ice Cubes

Not required


Cut the lemon into small pieces and take out the concentrated juice.

Add 1 glass of water to the concentrated lemon juice

Add 2 tablespoon of sugar

Add pinch of salt

Stir the mixture

Add mint leaves and ice cubes

Serve chilled

Ready In 5 minutes   Serves 1

What is its nutritious value?

Mint lemonade is considered beneficial and refreshing during the hot weather. Many people find its high sugar content unsuitable, especially those with diabetes, heart problems, or have high cholesterol. A few changes in the main recipe are changed to tackle this issue, and instead of using sugar, an artificial sweetener gets used in the drink.


The taste and smell of citrus make lemonades one of the first beverages for many people. Remember that the longer mint lemonade drink stands after preparation, the more flavorful it becomes. Drink it for a period of one to two hours then dispose of the mint and lemonade peel.  Note that hot syrup helps in the extraction of extra flavor from the mint. Keep the mint pitcher in the fridge to prevent it from turning brown and giving your lemonade a bitter taste.