Omelette Recipe



An omelet is a dish that is made of beaten eggs. These eggs are fried with oil or butter in a frying pan. This do not need stirring as required in scrambled egg.  Egg white or whole eggs are mostly beaten with some small amount of cream, milk or water. Omelet is a French word that was used during mid of 16th century.

Where the dish is from?

This dish is originated from Ancient Iran.

Where the dish is popular?

This dish is equally popular all over the world.

Type of dish

Omelets is a vegetarian diet. The vegetarian who eats eggs is called an “ovo-vegetarian”.

Family dish

Omelets is a family dish

Nutritional Contents:

The diet of the hens laying eggs also affect the nutritional contents of the egg. The eggs contains of large amounts of omega 3 fatty acid if the diet of hens contains polyunsaturated fats that are obtained from chia seeds, fish oil or flaxseeds.

If the hens are free-ranged pasture raised which depend on their own also produce eggs that have high amount of omega-3 fatty acids as compared to those hens which are cage-raised.

Benefits of Eggs

Omelet is a rich source of protein. It is a crucial component for losing weight. The egg yolk is rich in cholesterol. Olive oil used in making omelet is excellent for digestion. Spinach is a good source of fiber. As fiber take long time to digest, it gives the feeling of fullness.

A large amount of anti-oxidant are present white onions. That are good for immunity, heart and overall health.They help in raising good cholesterol.


Ensure that the eggs are cooked thoroughly when you are serving it to vulnerable groups, toddlers, elderly people, pregnant women and for those people who are not well.


Prep Time : 2 m

Cook Time : 3 m

Total Time : 5 m

Cuisine : Indian

Servings : 1


2 Eggs
1/4 Onion
1/4 Capsicum
1/4 Tomato
1 Green Chili
1 pinch Turmeric
1 tbsp Oil
Few coriander leaves


  1. Chop the onions, tomatoes, chilies, coriander leaves, and capsicum
  2. Break the eggs in a bowl
  3. Add the chopped onions, tomatoes, chilies, coriander leaves and capsicum mixture to the egg mixture.
  4. Add salt and turmeric
  5. Beat the mixture until its frothy
  6. Add oil to the pan and heat it in low flame.
  7. Pour the egg mixture and let it cook for a few minutes in low flame.
  8. When the base becomes firm flip the omelette
  9. Garnish it with pepper
  10. Serve the omelette with bread or roti


There are many variations of the omelette recipe. In the above recipe omelette is prepared using vegetables. Similarly omelette can be prepared using spinach. This is called spinach omelette. Another variation of the omelette is the cheese omelette recipe.

Ingredient list

If you want to make an omelette, make sure you know its ingredient. It is pretty easy to prepare the whole things. Get the fresh ones. The taste depends on the freshness of the ingredient and the way you cook it.

  1. A tablespoon of milk

You can use cow milk or goat milk. Make sure the milk is fresh. It is not only that, freshness is not enough to make one-of-a-kind omelette. The source of the milk i.e. the cow or the goat must be healthy and full of nutrition and minerals.

  1. A pinch of salt

Just add a bit of salt. A pinch of salt will be enough. The salt must be fresh and dry when you add it. Otherwise, the omelette will not taste good. Possibly, every person has got the different size of a pinch. In other words, a recommended pinch of salt weighs about 0.25 gram.

  1. Two tablespoons of butter

The butter that you use must come from the best cow milk or goat milk. India produces good quality cow milk lately. If you want to buy cheaper but nice butter, go to India. The butter shall taste sharp and salty. The color must be light or not too dark.

Butter functions as a flavor enhancer. Therefore, you need to get the best one from the best origin. If India is too far from your country, then you can go to Japan or France. New Zealand is also an alternative to get incredible butter.

  1. Three  eggs

You can add chicken eggs or duck eggs into the mix. Some people like chicken eggs but some others like duck eggs. However, it is only good as an alternative to use a swan egg. The best eggs are fresh and not too liquid watery.

If you choose chicken eggs, you shall find them in a trusted farm. You had better go to the farmer rather than a modern food store.

  1. A quarter kilogram of  cheese

The cheese must be free from fungus and termites. It can be poisonous if it is covered by fungus or termites. Moreover, do not let ants eat it. Keep it dry and away from direct sunlight. You can use a proper amount of cheese as mentioned.

  1. Sugar

Get this best sugar from a farmer or local sugar home industry. Be careful of the amount. Add the sugar until the taste is right. Do not make the omelette to sweet or too salty.

Moreover, if it gets bitten by ants, the quality of this sugar will decrease significantly. Make sure you cover it up perfectly so that insects will never touch it.

Method of Preparation

Before you make the incredible omelette, make sure you prepare the ingredient and the cooking utensils. All tools must be clean and dry. The bowl, spoons, mixer, and other cooking instruments must be sterile.

Keep in mind that all the things required in making omelette must be prepared very well. Even though you are not a pro but keeping everything clean and well organized is the best thing you have to do before cooking.

The quality of your omelette depends on how prepared you are before cooking. Therefore, take it seriously but stay cool. If you use a stove, only use a low temperature.

After that, make the dough from the ingredient. Then you can add the cheese into it. You can fry the dough and then add the cheese at the end of the process as well.

Use the butter to fry the dough. It is very easy as if you fry regular eggs.

Approximate cooking time

It takes only 15 minutes to get the food ready to eat. That is why omelette is everybody’s simplest food ever. You can try it too. Moreover, if you are in a hurry, making an omelette is a great decision.

Number of people served

Based on the ingredient above, you can it the omelette with your friends or family members. The food can be divided by 4.


The last but not least, omelette contains protein and minerals. Because it is made of healthy ingredient from nature. Eat healthy food, exercise every morning, and do not stay up late if you want to stay healthy.