Veg Chow Mein Recipe


China is very famous for its food. It is like the people have got a great talent for cooking. Probably, their ancestors were so interested in cooking food. You can find so many food recipes there. Not only that, but all food is also amazing and tastes very delicious.

Another country that is pretty famous for the same thing is India. Despite the country of holy sages, India provides exotically delicious food. It is because there are a lot of spices that grow so well for thousands of years even millions.

What would happen if you combine the recipes from both countries? You even cannot imagine what might come out of. It is the greatest veg chowmein that can melt everybody’s heart. Even criminals would stop hurting people if you give them this food.

You are going to learn about how to cook this chowmein. Have no worries because it will be very easy to get the job done. You just need to focus on this article. Prepare everything needed and start cooking. Your family will get amazed by your cooking.

Ingredient list

  1. Black pepper powder for about a teaspoon. You can buy a lot of them there.

  2. Prepare 4 cloves of garlic. This plant is very good to kill viruses in your body. It has got a very high rate of antioxidants.

  3. Half teaspoon of pure sugar for sugarcanes. The color of good sugar is a little bit brown. Clean white sugar is not a good option. It is because the makers use some synthetic bleaching chemicals to whiten the sugar grain.

  4. Colored bell pepper for about a cup. The pepper will add a spicy taste to the food.

  5. A little bit of salt for about a teaspoon.

  6. A tablespoon of tomato ketchup. The ketchup is needed to give a sweet but firm taste. The best tomatoes are grown inland where volcanic mountains are standing near. The minerals from the mountains will fertilize the tomatoes to grow very well.

  7. 2 tablespoons of soy sauce. Soy is very good in enhancing your immune system. This kind of plant grows very well in the land of a tropical country.

  8. Chopped cabbage for about a cup. The cabbage will add a fresh taste to the food. That is why make sure you do not use any withered cabbage.

  9. Green chili sauce for about a tablespoon.

  10. Cooking oil for about 2 tablespoons. Make sure you use fresh cooking oil. Indonesia is the country where you can find it easily. The oil must not be rancid. Be careful.

  11. 20 gram of chowmein noodle. Make sure you buy the best quality noodle. Also, freshly new noodles will tell you the result of your work.

  12. An onion. You need only to use a small onion. It will give a strong taste to the whole noodle. Not only that, but the onion is also good to increase your health.

  13. One carrot if you like.

Method of Preparation

  1. Boil the noodle in a hot water. You need to pour 6 cups of water into the hot wok. Also, sprinkle the salt onto the boiled noodle.

  2. Get all vegetables ready i.e. chop, slice, and put each of them in good arrangement.

  3. Pour the cooking oil into the wok and then let it heat up with medium flame.

  4. Add the onion and then fry it until it gets brownish. Do not get it too burnt.

  5. Put in the carrots and cabbage into the wok.

  6. Add the bell pepper into the vegetable that is being cooked in the wok.

  7. Put all seasonings into the hot wok. Stir them well.

  8. Drain the wet noodle and after that, mix it well wit those sauces.

  9. Heat the noodle with all ingredients for about 5 minutes. The flame must be high.

  10. Now you can eat it with nice rice if you like. Some people eat it directly, but some others mix it with plain rice. There is plenty of perfect rice in the land of the god’s descendants.

  11. Before you eat it, make sure you clean up your kitchen and all the cooking utensils that you used in this cooking. Use a washing soap that contains a disinfectant. Dry them all. Put them in a dry place. Do not let fungus and direct sunlight hit those things.

Approximate cooking time

Generally, this food can be cooked well in about 10 minutes.

Number of people served

You can share this food with 4 people. Make sure you eat it with warm and soft plain rice.


Live happily every day. It is capable to boost your low mood so that you can live your life with full of energy. A full stomach is a good thing to start the day. Do not let it empty. Eat until you get full.

Starving might ruin the entire life. Therefore, if you do not know how to cook or what to eat these days, just try to make this chowmein. By the way, it is a good idea to open a restaurant that sells this food. You might be richer than today. Selling delicious food is promising.